

Non-QF Accreditation outside Hong Kong

Under Section 4(2)(a) of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Cap. 1150), HKCAAVQ may, subject to the prior approval of the Secretary for Education, conduct accreditation tests outside Hong Kong.


Some accredited Hong Kong Operators in both academic and vocational sectors have expressed an interest in having programmes that are operated outside Hong Kong accredited, as proof of programme quality and/or for human resource management purposes. HKCAAVQ has on this basis decided to introduce a non-QF accreditation service for accredited Hong Kong Operators offering learning programme outside Hong Kong, primarily in Mainland China.  The accreditation certifies the quality of the programme and does not infer any recognition of the qualification(s) issued by the operator under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework or in Mainland China.


Legal requirements for the delivery of learning programmes in Mainland China

It is the operators’ responsibility to comply with all the relevant and applicable laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Mainland China and to have obtained the necessary approvals before offering the learning programme(s) in Mainland China. Before entering into a service agreement with HKCAAVQ, the accredited Hong Kong Operator and its branch/subsidiary and/or partner(s) in Mainland China are required to declare with supporting evidence that they have fulfilled all legal requirements for offering learning programmes in Mainland China.  HKCAAVQ reserves the right to withdraw the accreditation report in cases where the declaration has relied on false or misleading information. Should HKCAAVQ have any doubts about the validity of the declaration at the time of signing of the service agreement that may warrant seeking legal advice, the operator will be required to provide such advice and cover the costs of providing it.

Guidance Notes

HKCAAVQ has compiled a set of Guidance Notes on this service.  Potential applicants can make reference to the Guidance Notes for the accreditation criteria, process and evidence requirements and assess their eligibility for application.

Briefing Session

HKCAAVQ will organise briefing sessions to update operators with information about the non-QF accreditation services.