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HKCAAVQ speaks at Sharing Session Hosted by DSEDJ Macao
Mr Albert Chow
The Education and Youth Development Bureau of Macao SAR

Mr Albert Chow, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, was invited to serve as the keynote speaker at a sharing session titled 'Fostering Partnership and Synergy: Collaboration among Accreditation Agencies and Institutions.' The event was hosted by the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macao SAR Government (DSEDJ) and took place at the DSEDJ office in Macao on the 27th February, 2024.

During this momentous occasion, Mr Chow delivered a presentation encompassing the latest developments and achievements of HKCAAVQ. Noteworthy highlights included ongoing research and consultancy projects commissioned by the HKSAR government, the Macao SAR Government, as well as collaborative ventures in conjunction with Guangdong. He reiterated the impressive pace of higher education development in Macao and expressed his optimistic outlook for its continuous growth. HKCAAVQ anticipates further opportunities to bolster cooperation with the Macao SAR Government and institutions.


The sharing session received significant attention with over 80 participants from DSEDJ, ten higher education institutions from Macau, and representatives from HKCAAVQ in attendance.