Commissioned by Education Bureau (EDB), the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) earlier conducted research and development work on the Pilot Project on the Development of Applied Degree Programmes (the Pilot Project). The first batch with a total of four programmes have been launched in the 2022/23 academic year.
Mr Esmond LEE Chung-sin, Deputy Secretary for Education, expressed his gratitude to HKCAAVQ for the proactive support for the institutions during their development of the programmes. The programmes are generally welcomed, with the active involvement and recognition from relevant industries. The fruitful results of the Pilot Project are attributable to the support and efforts of HKCAAVQ, participating institutions and relevant industries. EDB will continue to work with HKCAAVQ and other stakeholders to explore the introduction of more Applied Degree programmes to enhance the progression pathways of vocational education and to provide diversified learning and employment opportunities for the younger generations.
Hon Rock CHEN Chung-nin, SBS, JP, Council Chairman of HKCAAVQ, said he was pleased to see that the inputs of HKCAAVQ on the Pilot Project have opened up more possibilities for vocational education under the Qualifications Framework (QF). The Chief Executive of HKSAR Government, Mr John Lee, earlier highlighted his visions for promoting VPET in his inaugural Policy Address. HKCAAVQ shall continue to actively assist in the dual-track development for vocational and academic education, in line with quality assurance in accreditation and related promotion initiatives.
During the press conference, Mr Albert CHOW, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, and Mr Steve LAI, General Manager of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS), further introduced HKCAAVQ’s work on the Applied Degree Programmes, and a final report to EDB will be submitted in due course, including proposals to increase the number of Applied Degree courses, introduce additional facilitation measures for stakeholders, develop a monitoring and assessment mechanism, and enhance public promotion.