Providing relevant training on the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and accreditation to existing and potential operators is one of the statutory functions of HKCAAVQ. Through training, HKCAAVQ endeavours to promote a quality culture, and to encourage stakeholders to continuously enhance their internal QA capability and awareness of quality matters.
To progressively develop operators’ competency in self-review, self-monitoring, understanding of the HKQF and enhancement of their internal quality assurance capacity, HKCAAVQ runs training activities for operators on a regular basis.
Operators that plan to undertake Stage 1 Initial Evaluation (IE) and/or Stage 2 Learning Programme Accreditation (LPA) / Re-accreditation (re-LPA) under the Four-Stage Quality Assurance Process under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) are welcome to enrol in the relevant activities.