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Institutional Governance And Management
Staff participation in appraisal design builds trust
Appraisal design with staff participation enhances the transparency of the process and builds trust between staff and the institution.
The purpose of this practice is to strengthen staff engagement and institutional management. This practice of staff appraisal can help ensure an effective evaluation of staff performance. The engagement of staff in designing the appraisal including the criteria enhances transparency and develops mutual trust between staff and the institution.
The outcome of employing this practice is a better understanding by staff of the expectations and requirements of the management. The practice also helps the management understand the concerns of the staff. The transparency of the appraisal system and mutual understanding build trust between staff and the institution.
19 Jul 2017
Online and Blended Education / Institutional Governance And Management
Financing digital infrastructure vital to online education
The institution has a strategic financial management approach to developing digital infrastructure for the online and blended programmes.
The purpose of this practice is to ensure that sufficient financial resources are allocated for different stages of the development of online and blended programmes. Sound financial management is vital to the success of such an initiative because of the considerable investment in digital infrastructure including the high cost of hardware and software as well as development of online materials. Effective and efficient management of resources are required to assure the continuous running of the online and blended learning programmes without jeopardising the attainment of other institutional strategic goals. Rigorous financial management helps ensure that the implementation of digital education is financially viable and that the necessary spending has been taken into account in the current and future institutional budget strategies.
The outcome of employing this practice is to effectively manage the allocation of sufficient financial resources to support the provision of online and blended education.
19 Jun 2017
Academic Leadership / Institutional Governance And Management
Multi-level KPIs to inform decision making
Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and monitor performance and progression towards institutional goals and inform decision making.
The purpose of this practice is to help achieve institutional goals. KPIs provide qualitative and quantitative measurements of the extent of achievement to inform decision making. Institutional KPIs are set to track and monitor performance and progression towards institutional goals. As units at different levels such as faculties and departments may make different levels of contribution towards the achievement of institutional goals, the KPIs can be adapted by individual academic units to cater for the variation. The overall institutional achievement can be assessed from the aggregation of the performance of individual units.
OutcomeThe outcome of this practice is better decision making. The decision making is evidence based supported by the evaluation of achievement of the KPIs carried out through annual reviews at different levels of the institution. New KPIs for multiple levels may emerge when new targets or goals are identified during the annual reviews.
19 Jun 2017
Transnational Education / Institutional Governance And Management
Integrative approach to overcome TNE challenges
The Partnership develops an integrative approach to administer the programme that address the differences in the culture, operations and practices between the non-local operator and local partner.
The purpose of the practice is to facilitate joint operation and monitoring of the transnational programmes that meet the institutional requirements of each partner. Respecting each other’s differences with a view to minimising possible misunderstanding, the two parties jointly develop an integrative approach that attends to the needs of each partner while avoiding any duplicated effort in administering the transnational education programmes.
OutcomeThe outcome of employing this practice is a smooth and streamlined operation of the transnational education programmes. The integrative approach facilitates communication between the partners working under a common framework, which allows the partnership to address their differences.
26 May 2017
Institutional Governance And Management
Mission statement to guide development
A clear mission statement setting goals and reflecting the strategic direction of the institution is required for the ongoing development and sustainability of an institution.
The purpose of this practice is to enable an institution to judge to what extent proposed new developments are consistent with its high level objectives, and the relative priority assigned to competing proposals. It also helps the institution to attract new talents sharing the same vision as the institution and guide existing staff towards realising the mission.
The outcome of employing this practice is clear directions ensuring concerted and sustained effort towards achieving the strategic goals of the institution.
26 May 2017
Institutional Governance And Management / Programme Development
Appropriate inputs for approval as a means to enhance programme quality
Ensuring that appropriate inputs are collected and analysed as part of the approval process for programme development.
This practice aims to ensure that inputs are collected and considered in programme development. An institution collects inputs from stakeholders ranging from module to institutional levels through its established feedback collection mechanisms. A structured approval process ensures that the feedback collected from stakeholders is duly considered and the programme team is required to respond to the feedback before proceeding to the next level of approval. For example approval by a department board ensures currency of discipline-specific programme content, and approval by academic board ensures, among others, that the programme continues to meet the institutional goals.
The outcome of employing this practice is the upholding of standards and enhancement of programme quality through an effective approval process.
18 May 2017