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HKCAAVQ Annual Dinner 2023 successfully held
HKCAAVQ Annual Dinner 2023
19:00 - 21:30
New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel

The HKCAAVQ Annual Dinner 2023 was held successfully at New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel on 19 September 2023. It was the first large-scale dinner hosted by HKCAAVQ since 2020.  Ms Michelle LI Mei-sheung, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education of the Education Bureau (EDB) of the HKSAR Government was the Guest of Honour. Other officiating guests included Ms WU Cheng, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR (LOCPG), Hon Rock CHEN Chung-nin, SBS, JP, Council Chairman of HKCAAVQ, Mr CHEN Yu-lin, Director of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the LOCPG, Mr Kasper NG Siu-kei, Principal Assistant Secretary (Further Education) of EDB, Mr Albert CHOW Hing-pong, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, and Mr Steve LAI Ying-wai, General Manager of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat. The dinner was attended by over 130 guests from across academic, vocational and industrial sectors.


As the event commenced, Ms LI addressed the Dinner in the Opening Remarks, acknowledging HKCAAVQ’s close partnership with the Education Bureau, as well as expressing her appreciation for HKCAAVQ’s efforts and achievements at local and regional levels, particularly in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Ms LI also congratulated HKCAAVQ on its remarkable achievements including attaining of the status of “substantial compliance” with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) from the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and recently obtaining the recognition of being fully aligned with the Good Practices of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). She remarked that the recognitions are not only testimony to the leading role of HKCAAVQ in the region, but also fully affirm its endeavours since its establishment and acknowledging the contributions by HKCAAVQ to Hong Kong’s academic and vocational education and training.


Hon Rock CHEN Chung-nin, SBS, JP, Council Chairman of HKCAAVQ, delivered the Welcoming Remarks in which he gave thankful messages to HKCAAVQ’s major stakeholders for their continuous support in achieving common goals. Mr Rock CHEN shared his vision on the future development of HKCAAVQ and the local qualification quality assurance sector. He said, “The existing Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and Qualifications Register (HKQR) still have great potential to advance in line with the local, regional and international developments. HKCAAVQ will work relentlessly to upkeep and enhance quality of all qualifications underpinning the HKQF.”


Mr Albert CHOW, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, delivered a speech in which he summarised the milestones achieved by the HKCAAVQ in recent years. Mr CHOW expressed his gratitude to EDB, the HKCAAVQ Council, collaborative partners and colleagues for all their unwavering support. 


This year’s Annual Dinner marked the perfect moment to bid farewell to outgoing Council Members of HKCAAVQ. Ms Michelle LI Mei-sheung, JP, the Guest of Honour, presented the gifts on behalf of the Secretariat to Professor Isabella POON, Ms Edith SHIH, Ms Candy TAM, MH, Professor Bjørn STENSAKER and Professor Zita FAHMI, whose terms of appointment will end on 30 September 2023, in recognition of their dedication and contribution to HKCAAVQ.


Mr Steve LAI, General Manager of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat, delivered a Vote of Thanks to conclude the evening. He expressed his utmost gratitude to the stakeholders’ efforts which have been instrumental in providing invaluable insights and guidance to the development of the HKQF.


Opening Remarks by Ms Michelle LI, JP